Sunday, June 26, 2011

What is the Road to 177?

I have been heavy for a long time.  Not all of my life, but for most of my adult life.  On May 9, 2011 --42 days ago-- I went on a diet.  My friend Michelle, who also struggles with her weight, had been following The 17 Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno and she had amazing success with it.  I decided to try it too.

Deciding to diet was harder for me this time than it had been in the past.  I have a food addiction.  I eat to celebrate.  I eat when I need a pick me up.  I eat for just about evey reason you can come up with.  To make matters worse the only things I don't like to eat are sweet pickles and the Trix/Froot Loops/Fruity Pebbles style of cereal.  I am a hardcore foodie.

My biggest obstacle is portion control.  It has always been a big deal in my family to eat a lot.  Buffets and restaurants like The Cheesecake Factory and The Claim Jumper that serve huge portions were my weakness.  If the food is there I will eat it.

42 days ago I weighed 322 pounds.  Yesterday I weighed 293.  That's 29 pounds in 41 days.  It's a good start but I know I have a lot more to lose.  People I work with are starting to notice a difference.  My clothes are looser.  My size 46 belt is too big to hold my pants up.  But I know I need to do more and I decided to start this blog to motivate myself.

I weigh myself every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday using a Wii Balance Board and the Wii Fit game.  I have a high tech scale in my bathroom that measures body fat, skeletal muscle, body mass index (BMI), and visceral fat but it tops out at 300 pounds.  Now that I am under 300 I will start using both systems to evaluate my progress.

I know with any diet you need to have goals.  My initial goal was just to lose weight.  I didn't have a target weight goal at first because I didn't want to be unrealistic.  But as things progressed I decided I needed a good long term goal.  I initially thought 199 pound would be a good target because I haven't been below 200 since college.  However, every time I weigh myself the Wii Fit Body Test reminds me that I am obese because my BMI is just under 40.  Hearing the electronic "fail riff" and the taunting, "That's Obese!" from your gaming system is a rough way to start the day.   I looked at the BMI scale and the heaviest a 6'0" male can weigh and still be considered normal is 177 pounds.  So that's my official goal and that why I named this blog "The Road to 177."

I haven't weighed 177 pounds since high school.  That's when I was in the gym every day lifting weight and playing basketball for 2 to 3 hours at a time.  Today I have a desk job and work long hours.  I have lost 29 pounds without exercising but I know that won't work much longer.  I need to exercise more.

My plans for this blog are to share my weight loss progress as well as any other statisitcs I can come up with like my BMI, change in clothing sizes, etc.  I also will post what I am eating and how I prepare the food or have it prepared for me.  And finally I will talk about exercise and what works and doesn't work for me.  I will try to be as specific and as candid as I can be.  I will mention the exact name of the products I am using because I think the things that work should be credited.  Some of my posts might read like a paid commercial but I'm not going to wory about that right now.  If I the highly unlikely circumstance occurs and I do get paid for writing about something I like, I will only do so if I believe in the product. 


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